Education and Training Quality Assurance

Overview & Functions of the ETQA Division

A core function of the SETAs is that they act as Education and Training Quality Assurance bodies (ETQAs) within various economic sectors to ensure quality education and training. The HWSETA ETQA is accredited by SAQA to monitor and audit achievements in terms of national standards and qualifications.


  • Accredits constituent providers for specific standards or qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework;
  • Promotes quality amongst constituent providers;
  • Monitors provision by constituent providers;
  • Evaluates assessment and facilitation of moderation among constituent providers;
  • Registers constituent assessors for specified registered standards or qualifications in terms of the criteria established for this purpose;
  • Takes responsibility for the certification of constituent learners;
  • Co-operates with the relevant body or bodies appointed to moderate across ETQA bodies including but not limited to, moderating the quality assurance on specified standards or qualifications for which one or more ETQA bodies are accredited;
  • Recommends new standards or qualifications to National Standards Bodies for consideration, or modifications to existing standards or qualifications to National Standards Bodies for consideration;
  • Maintains a data-base acceptable to the Authority;
  • Submits reports to the Authority in accordance with the requirements of the Authority, and
  • Performs such other functions that may arise from time-to-time.

In performing its functions, an ETQA Body:

  • Shall abide by regulations 2 to 12 of the National Standards Bodies Regulations (R452 of 28 March 1998, Government Gazette No 18787);
  • May delegate selected functions contemplated in subregulation (1) to a constituent provider or other body with the prior approval of the Authority, but may not delegate its accountability to the Authority; and
  • If established under another Act of Parliament to govern a single coordinated system of multi-qualification providers, shall delegate the function of registering constituent assessors, contemplated in subregulation (1)(e), to its providers if their quality management system includes the monitoring of this function and the South African Qualifications Authority is notified.