Workplace Approval

Overview of Workplace Approval

The skills development landscape in South Africa is one that requires constant change and innovative thinking on the part of Sector Education Training Authorities (SETAs) to meet the needs of the sectors they serve. The HWSETA is no exception and it is this mindset that resulted in the establishment of the Qualification Development and Maintenance (QDM) sub-division in October 2013 to focus on this key area of responsibility for the HWSETA.

The HWSETA will not accredit private skills development providers (SDPs) for this newly registered occupational qualification and this is a function that will reside with the Quality Council for Trades Occupation (QCTO). Accreditation of providers by the QCTO will be dependent on the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Department of Health (NDOH) ensuring the learner has a designated workplace with a mentor during the time of study to obtain the required workplace experience.

Whilst the HWSETA will not be responsible for the accreditation Skills Development Providers for this occupational qualification, it has received approval from the QCTO to be the Assessment Quality Partner (AQP). As an AQP, the HWSETA is responsible for setting up final external summative examinations, co-ordination of national examinations through approved assessment centers, as well as assessment and recommendation of learner certification to QCTO.

The examination process and logistical arrangements will be conducted through partnerships with Community of Experts (CEP’s) to ensure seamless quality processes are applied. The ETQA will timeously announce all examination logistics.