Learner Achievement

1. Assessments, Moderation and Verification
  • 1.1. Assessment, Moderation & Verification Policy

    The policy communicates clear guidelines to stakeholders and Skills Development Providers, to ensure compliance to assessment requirements and processes.

  • 1.2. Verification Guidelines

    The Verification Guideline document communicates clear requirements for the verification (external moderation) process to ensure compliance by the Skills Development Providers.

  • 1.3. Verification and ETQA Approval of Learner Achievements Process Flow

    A graphical description of the assessment process from the training implementation and the tasks involved, to the certification of the learners’ assessments.

  • 1.4. Verification Application Form

    Skills Development Providers are required to apply for verification of the learners’ assessments by completing the verification application form soon after the process of internal assessments and moderation has been completed. The SDPs must submit the application to the HWSETA provincial office located in the province where the training was implemented.

  • 1.5. Verification Tool

    The HWSETA officials document the evidence presented by the SDP during the verification (external moderation) of the learners’ assessments on the verification tool.

  • 1.6. Learner Matrix

    The learner details and programme details are captured on a standard template to list the learners who were trained by the SDP in a specified training period.

2. Certification
  • 2.1. Certification Guidelines

    The guidelines outline the compliance requirements to be met by the Skills Development Provider and the learner before a certificate or Statement of Results (SoR) be issued by the HWSETA.

  • 2.2. Application form for a Learner Certificate Reprint

    Learners who request a certificate re-issue or reprint due to loss, damage, or incorrect details, are required to complete an application form and submit it to the HWSETA.

3. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
  • 3.1. RPL policy

    The policy provides clear guidelines to SDPs and learners regarding the assessment of Recognition of Prior Learning.

  • 3.2. RPL Tools

    The tools are to be utilized by RPL practitioners for the implementation of RPL assessments.

4. Assessor and Moderator Registrations
  • 4.1. Assessor Registration Guidelines

    The guidelines outline the requirements for registration of Assessors with the HWSETA and the compliance of registered Assessors to assessment processes.

  • 4.2. Assessor Moderator Registration, Re-registration Process Flow assessment

    The process flow provides a graphical representation of the Assessor and Moderator registration process, the tasks involved, and the timelines tasks for each step in the process.

  • 4.3. Criteria for registration as Assessor & Moderator

    The document contains a list of programs that are quality assured by the HWSETA and the criteria for registration for each program.

5. Important Announcements

Important notices and announcements for HWSETA stakeholders, Skills Development Providers, and learners are posted here for the purpose of creating awareness about the latest developments in the skills development landscape.