The HWSETA is one of seven SETAs awarded a clean audit for the 2014 – 2015 financial year. This is the second consecutive year that the HWSETA has received recognition for its achievements in terms of corporate governance, risk management, consistent application of internal control, knowledge of the application of legislation and Generally Recognised Accounting Practice (GRAP)/International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), leadership oversight, as well as staff dedicated and committed to clean reporting.
“This achievement follows a seven year period of maintaining good performance relating to financial statements that resulted in an unqualified audit each year,” comments Elaine Brass, Chief Financial Officer at the HWSETA.
The trophy awarded to the HWSETA for its first clean audit during the 2013 – 2014 financial period was returned to the HWSETA with a second plaque at the Auditor-General’s presentation on National Audit Outcomes on 3 August 2015.
“A clean audit means an unqualified audit with no emphasis of matter, no findings under internal control weaknesses, no findings under noncompliance with legislation, and finally no findings on predetermined objectives or as we refer to it, performance information,” adds Ms Brass.
“The HWSETA operates within the health and social development sectors that are critical in this country, yet also extremely challenging and this in itself makes the HWSETA’s achievement of a clean audit that much more remarkable,” says Yvonne Mbane, CEO for the HWSETA.
“We set the bar high in the previous financial year and the fact that we have been successful at achieving a clean audit for a second year running speaks volumes about the dedication shown by the HWSETA Board, Management and Staff to deliver on its skills development mandate,” concludes Ms Mbane.