About Us


Skills development is a national priority for South Africa and meeting the country’s skills needs requires collaboration between public and government entities, educational institutions, training providers, and private organisations.


South Africa’s economy is divided into functional sectors and each of these sectors is represented by one of 21 Sector Education Training Authorities (SETAs). HWSETA is responsible for education, training and skills development of the health, social development and veterinary sectors.

HWSETA sets out to achieve the following within the health, social development and veterinary sectors:

  • Develop and implement the Sector Skills Plan
  • Skills development planning, programmes and initiatives
  • Monitoring of education and training
  • Identification of workplaces for practical work experience
  • Support and facilitate the development of the National Skills Development Strategy
  • Disbursement of levies collected
  • Forge links with all stakeholders and relevant bodies
  • Account for the effective and efficient use of public monies in line with the provisions of the Public Finance Management Act
  • Promotion of the employment of disabled persons

Organisational Structure